Tuesday 4 December 2018

Recently, I was rereading Andy's social media powerpoint presentation and the notes said that there was a disparity for those without access to social media. If I didn't have a laptop, it would be almost impossible for me to do this particular course, as I have an accomodation to use a keyboard [my typing is better than my handwriting]. I take public transit, it would be challenging to travel to Camosun's computer lab all the time to do my assignments [and use D2L] instead of in the comfort of my basement apartment.

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting point, Robert! Social media is taking over, but it couldn't do so without all of this fabulous technology we all carry around with us. I agree, it would be impossible to do this course without it.


2019 is going to be big. Another artist is getting a biopic film based on the person, and that person is Elton John. The film is called Rock...